
Where You Live in Hardy County, West Virginia matters For Your Home Insurance & choose your insurance provider wisely after comparing multiple quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Hardy County, WV the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Hardy County 11133 5 924
Toms Brook, VA 206 8 710
Gainesboro, VA 10,009 5 748
Westernport, MD 1,546 4 654
New Market, VA 1,755 1 728
Brandywine 186 0 801
Rockingham County, VA 60,483 3 728
Cresaptown, MD 3,979 1 657
Moorefield 2,054 7 908
Basye, VA 770 0 732
Belmont Estates, VA 1,076 5 761
Bier, MD 183 0 667
Harrisonburg, VA 42,300 3 735
McCoole, MD 372 6 651
Shenandoah, VA 6,748 7 732
Dawson, MD 182 7 523
Sherman 3,883 6 928
Rawlings, MD 643 1 681
South Fork 2,521 7 939
Mountain Lake Park, MD 1,744 5 673
Opequon, VA 10,191 3 739

Better incomes in Hardy County, WV lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Hardy County 19,215 924
Franklin 21,802 937
Back Creek, VA 33,481 743
Fairfax 18,125 886
Piedmont, VA 39,120 764
Bloomery 20,936 941
Springfield 16,634 916
Cresaptown, MD 17,165 657
Bier, MD 20,742 667
Edinburg, VA 20,836 728
South Fork 16,872 939
Red Bud, VA 30,218 738
Sherman 15,171 928
Shenandoah Shores, VA 36,345 726
Petersburg 20,308 903
Oldtown, MD 2,273 630
Moscow, MD 16,144 650
Middletown, VA 23,725 722
Barton, MD 20,803 653
Page County, VA 22,425 723
Bayard 17,858 882

More poverty in Hardy County, WV means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Hardy County 2165 15 924
Shenandoah County, VA 5,056 12 734
Central, VA 843 6 741
Pendleton County 1,138 15 898
Barton, MD 88 14 653
Fort Ashby 70 4 941
Kitzmiller, MD 58 18 649
Green Spring 9 6 890
Happy Creek, VA 859 9 749
Milroy 613 14 903
Frederick County, VA 5,654 7 741
Midland, MD 20 4 653
Apple Mountain Lake, VA 55 4 735
Lonaconing, MD 223 19 656
Franklin 171 26 937
Strasburg, VA 595 9 733
Front Royal, VA 1,945 13 729
Woodstock, VA 1,136 23 732
Moscow, MD 36 11 650
Gore 627 15 926
Winchester, VA 5,166 20 744

Advanced Education levels in Hardy County, WV implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Hardy County 594 6 924
Bloomington, MD 10 5 659
Mount Jackson, VA 90 7 717
Timberville, VA 166 9 709
Luke, MD 4 8 641
Basye, VA 149 21 732
Mineral County 1,497 7 910
Happy Creek, VA 852 14 749
Shawnee, VA 1,778 22 740
Shenandoah Shores, VA 74 13 726
Green Spring 0 0 890
Edinburg, VA 97 12 728
Lonaconing, MD 83 9 656
Loch Lynn Heights, MD 25 7 655
Bier, MD 19 14 667
Milroy 257 8 903
Luray, VA 353 9 725
Whitmer 0 0 837
Gilmore, MD 0 0 630
Strasburg, VA 330 7 733
Grant County 534 6 913